

Sunday 28 August 2016

Paper Beads for Swapping!

Hiya my lovelies!
I've been a busy bee...
Over on Jennibellie's Journal Workshops
the August Swap is Paper Beads!
It's my first time making them & it's also my first swap!
Excited Muchly!
I decided that I'd get myself a tool!
Cocktail sticks are ok but I need something I can hold thanks to my
dodgy arm/hand. I got mine here.
It makes beads with a 3mm hole.
All you need to do to start is grab some patterned paper.
Measure from 1 inch on one side down to nothing on the other,
up and down the paper & cut it out.
I just measured it & cut them out on my paper cutter.
You should end up with some skinny triangles!

Then using the tool, slide the paper into the slot facing you & turn the tool away from you,
keeping the paper quite taught around the tool. You also need to guide the paper so it winds symmetrically. (You can wind it differently for a different shape bead.)

Once you get near the point of the triangle put some glue on it.
I used some PVA. Then continue to wind until the point is in the centre of your bead!
You will need to hold it for a bit so it sets.
Or you might find it springs back out of its tightly wound coil!

Voila paper bead!

I got a bit carried away & made more than I need for the swap,
but it's ok because I love them.
It gave the hand a bit of a workout I can tell you!
I dipped the ends of the straight beads into some copper paint before
glazing them all.

Here they are!

It's totally addictive!
Hope my swap partner likes them.
Cheers for stopping by!
Feel free to leave me some love...
Crafty hugs
Sez x

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