

Friday, 21 February 2014

Memorial bags.

 Hello my lovelies!
Just a quick post to share my latest commission...
This was a tricky one!
My friend asked me to make 2 lunch bags for her sisters but with a difference...
She wanted them to feature her dad & the things he loved,
 as she was giving them to her sisters at his memorial.
He always wore black croc shoes,
he love the gee-gees (horseracing) & he played darts & bingo, so
I featured these on the bag with a simple portrait of him.

I found it hard to get them exactly the same.

I hope she likes them!
 Thanks for stopping by!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Monday, 17 February 2014

Latest makes...

Hi there my lovelies!
Just wanted to share 2 more bags that I was commissioned to make...

This one is for Archie... yes you guessed it! 
My first boy portrait!
 Find boys harder than girls for some reason!

This one is for my friends mum.
First time I'd done flowers too!

I hope you like them!
Thanks for stopping by.
Crafty hugs
Sez x 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Jan/Feb Makes

 Hiya my lovelies!
I'm sorry for the lack of blog posts lately, what with work & making
stuff & family stuff I've been so tired and/or busy to bother!
No excuse really!

Anyway, this post is to sort of catch up with you
 & let you know what I have had time to make....

First up is an Owl Bag I made for my dear friend Maria.
She loves all things owly!
I wanted to have a go at animals so made her this for her birthday.

She loved it!
Next up is a lunch bag I made myself. Well why not?!

I love this quote!
Then of course my son wanted one too!
Thought I'd do him a sporty one...

A friend asked me to make one for her daughter so here it is...

I hope you like them!
I have a few more orders to do so watch this space!

Thanks for stopping by!
Crafty Hugs
Sez x