

Monday, 1 May 2017

#ArtMarks30DayChallenge Pt2 Days 9-30!

Hello my lovelies!
Well the ArtMarks 30 day challenge is over!
If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen my pages.
If you don't, then click the link to follow me... you know you want to!

Here they are:

Day 9 'X'd' (L) & Day 10 'Horizontal' (R)

Day 11 'Just One' (L) & Day 12 'Erased' (R)

Day 13 'Sketched' (L) & Day 14 'Vertical' (R)

Day 15 'Transparent' (L) & Day 16 'Half' (R)

Day 17 'Pinpoint' (L) & Day 18 'Striped' (R)

Day 19 'Encircled' (L) & Day 20 'Covered' (R)

Day 21 'Parallel' (L) & Day 22 'Spiral' (R)

Day 23 'Numerous' (L) & Day 24 'Squared' (R)

Day 25 'Odd' (L) & Day 26 'Even' (R)

Day 27 'Connected' (L) & Day 28 'Dotted' (R)

Day 29 'Inside' (L) & Day 30 'Numbered' (R)

I loved this challenge even more so the second time around!
You can join in at any time.
Go over to Rae Missigman's to find out more!

Thanks for stopping by!
Crafty hugs
Sez x