

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

WOYWW #399 Wanderlust that's what!

Hiya my lovelies!
Another Wednesday is upon us...
That means it must be
(What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday)
The wonderful Julia over at Stamping Ground
host this fabulous bloghop every week!
Go check it out.

This week I thought I'd share what I am doing!
You had all asked me to show my journals...
so I'm showing what I did this morning!

I'm doing Wanderlust 2017 among other things
(My other journals are posted HERE HERE & HERE)

I'm working on week 3.
Here is my set up as I was starting:

Now, for obvious reasons I can't tell you what I did & how,
but I can show you the finished page!

The page on the left was week 1 which shows my
Statement for this year. On the right is today's page.
You can find the post for week 2 HERE.

Are you taking part in any classes?
Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for stopping by
I really appreciate it!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Sunday, 22 January 2017

#52CafeCards - C is for Coffee

Hiya again my lovelies!
Last post today...

Here's this weeks CaféCard.

C is for Coffee.

If you have no idea what I'm on about,
there's some info from a previous post HERE.
Hope you join in too!
Thanks for stopping by my creative nook.
Crafty hugs
Sez x

#ArtMarks30dayChallenge 16-22 Jan 2017

Hiya my lovelies!

Here's this weeks Art Marks pages:


'Just Three' & 'More Than One'

'Gridded' & 'Dozen'


I really enjoyed these prompted pages.

Have you joined in?
Let me know in the comments below!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

#Journal 52 Prompt- Strange

Hiya again my lovelies!
Here's the 2nd post of the day...
Here is my journal spread for the prompt

I used:
DecoArt Media paints
White Uniball signo pen
Black unipin 0.3 pen
Black Staedtler lumocolor B pen

I had a lot of fun doing this spread.
I hope you find it strange!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

#MiniMoleyDaily Jan 16-22 2017

Hiya my lovelies!
This is the first of 4 posts today rounding up
this weeks makes. Let me know if you
would prefer one post for this!

Here are this weeks Mini Moley pages:

 I really enjoy doing a mini journal page everyday.
It helps me capture how I'm feeling at that moment.
Do you journal everyday?
Let me know, comment below!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Friday, 20 January 2017

Canvas Inspired by Wanderlust Week 2

Hiya my lovelies!
Another week nearly over and the weekend beckons!

I completed my canvas last night that was inspired by
the lessons taught in week 2 of Wanderlust2017.
I wanted to share it with you!

I didn't stick to the lesson as such,
I kinda always end up doing my own thing!
This piece is certainly inspired by it but was more intuitive.
I discovered my favourite ever techniques whilst creating it,
which is a total bonus!

I scraped the different layers whilst they are
damp revealing the layers underneath.

I held the heat gun close to the paint too,
It gives a great bubbly effect.
I loooove the texture it creates!!!

Added some Gold.

I used my thumb print as a focal point.
I have no idea why I just had to!

I used a mixture of PaperArtsy Fresco Paints,
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics
and Pebeo High Viscosity Studio Acrylics.

I'm so in love with it!

Let me know what your
favourite techniques are at the moment.
Comment below!

Crafty hugs
Sez x
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

WOYWW #398

Hiya again my lovelies!
2nd post of the day.
I'm joining in with Julia's wonderful
WOYWW over at Stamping Ground.
Here's my workdesk:
I'm about to start my #MiniMoleyDaily &
my #ArtMarks30daychallenge journal pages.
If you don't know what I'm on about click the links &
they will take you to previous posts for an explanation.

I'm a bit late starting them today.

I was quite overwhelmed with all the visits I received last week
Thank you to everyone!
Have a happy WOYWW!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Statement Journal Page

Hiya my lovelies!
I started the wonderful Wanderlust 2017!
Fabulous course with lots of great teachers and educators.
You can find it HERE if you want to sign up!
(I'm not affiliated!)
Anyway I completed lesson 1 and wanted to share!
This is my journal page containing
my statement for 2017.
'To be fearless & authentic. To find insight & to embrace change.'

I used a mixture of ephemera, acrylic paints, stencils and stamps.
I love the stamp set! It's EEA05 from PaperArtsy.
A really versatile and quirky mix of fonts. It's only available
from Everything Art at the moment.

I would like to enter this page into the challenges over at:
Mixed Media Challenge Blog- Stencils
Country View Crafts Challenge Blog- Anything Goes
Craft Stamper- Anything Goes

Thanks for stopping by!
I'm off to get painty.

Please feel free to comment.
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Monday, 16 January 2017

Art Marks 30 day Challenge

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Hiya my lovelies!
Another quick post today...
Getting good at this!
I recently came across the Art Marks 30 Challenge.
by Rae Missigman.
The point of the challenge is to take time out to do 1 page
a day of making marks, to help you find your own style.
I thought it would be fun to do alongside my other
daily challenges that I'm doing.

Here are the pages for Day 1 & Day 2:

Feel free to join in!
I will also be posting on FB & Instagram
with #artmarks30daychallenge
 Okay, I got so excited I didn't follow the prompts for each day!
So let's say that was a warm up!
Here's Day 1 & 2 following the prompts:
1- Petal-like
2- Needlework

You can find the prompts HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment!
Crafty hugs
Sez x


Hiya my lovelies!
Just a quick post...
I wanted to share my 2 art cards made for the
#52cafecard challenge over at

Everyone who is taking part, creates art onto playing cards
using the weeks prompt.
These cards are for:
Week 1- Art
Week 2- Bubbles

Hope you like them as much as I did making them!

Thanks for stopping by!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Sunday, 15 January 2017

#MiniMoleyDaily and Journal 52

Hiya my lovelies!
If you follow me you will know that I'm taking part in
#MiniMoleyDaily and Journal 52.

Here are this weeks pages:

Here's this weeks J52 page prompt HOPE:

Thanks for stopping by!
Please feel free to leave a comment.
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

My 1st WOYWW! #397

Hiya my lovelies!
Its my first WOYWW post.
Be gentle!
Now, I've looked at lots of WOYWW posts on Stamping Ground 
over the years and never had the courage to post mine.
In the spirit of my Word of the Year 'Be Brave' here goes!

Got a few things in progress...

Glad I joined in!
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it!
I'm off to nose at everyone else's...
Crafty hugs
Sez x

Folder Journal & Classes Update

Hiya my lovelies!

This week I have been making Folder Journals.
I was given some old files a while ago,
the sort that hang in filing cabinets.
I cut off the metal parts with a craft knife and put
one inside the other.

Like this...

I then made 3 holes with a bradel. I used a big darning needle &
some cord to sew a 'signature'.
There are lots of tutorials out there.
This is a very simple version!

I tied it together and knotted it on the outside.

I then Gessoed all the pages!

It's now ready to use & added to my collection!
I also have a Moleskine & a Dylusions journal too.
I am also thinking of using an old altered book.
You can use anything you like really!

I have downloaded some classes this year to do at my own pace.
I have to have surgery soon & the recovery is quite long, so
I need to keep myself busy creating to get my mind off of
what's going on! This is the start of many procedures & I might find
myself getting a bit overwhelmed with them all but we will see!
I will post anything I do create either here or on FB.

The classes I am doing are:
Wanderlust2017-Everything Art
Book of Days Boot Camp-Effy Wild
Lifebook12- I know it's old but it was in a sale!
I am also doing Jenniebellies Rock your own Shop,
so watch this space!
I have put links in in case you want to have a look.
I will also be continuing to do Journal 52 which I talked about HERE
and #MiniMoleyDaily which I talked about HERE
That will keep me busy!
I'm not worried if I fall behind, I will just take each day as it comes.
Your patience with my posting may be required!

Thank you so much for stopping by,
it really does mean a lot!
Please leave me a comment or hug.
Crafty hugs
Sez x 

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Journal 52

Hiya my lovelies!
2 posts in 1 day!!
I'm so on it! Haha!
What is Journal 52?
Well, it's basically a journal spread every week following that weeks prompt.
There is a FB group which is closed but you can click join if you
are interested.
I am using a Moleskine journal for this project.

Here's my opening spread...

This weeks prompt is

I used:
*Pebeo high viscosity studio acrylics
*White Gesso
*Andy Skinner Fossil stencil
*Items for making marks ie. tubes & plastic cards etc.
*Silver Edding1200 metallic pen.
*Unipin Fineliner 0.3

Around the 'Portal' I have written:
"We constantly go through portals on our way through life.
Each decision we make, opens up a new one for us
to travel through. Constantly opening to new possibilities,
new adventures."

I really enjoyed this prompt and sharing it with you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Please leave a comment before you leave!
Crafty hugs
Sez x 

Friday, 6 January 2017

#MiniMoley- 365 Day Mini Journal

Hiya my lovelies!
I know, another blog post...If I carry on like this I'll
be a prolific blogger! 😉
Ok, Mini Moleys...what am I talking about?
Well, over on FB there is a little group that Effy Wild
hosts called #MiniMoleyDaily.
It is a closed group but if you are interested click join!
Basically #MiniMoleyDaily is an art journal page everyday
in a mini Moleskine journal/notebook.
Mini = no bigger than 3.5" x 5.5"
I got mine form Amazon.

I will need 6 notebooks for the 365 days.
Here's this weeks pages...

I really enjoy doing these. I don't have any prompts at the moment
and I'm just going with what's in my head at the time.
If you are doing something similar or want to suggest prompts
let me know!
I hope to share my pages every week.
I am also doing Journal52 by Effy Wild too.
I will be sharing that in the next post.
Next post?! Blimey I am becoming prolific...haha!
Must be the fact I'm consistently using the planner I wrote about in my last post.
Cheers for stopping by and leave me a comment...
show me some love!
Crafty hugs
Sez x

6 days in... Hello 2017!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
 Hiya my lovelies!
Yes it's been a while, I know.
I've had a lot go on in the house of chaos...
Now, this should have been written a few days ago but I was
completely out of action thanks to feeding 17
on Christmas Day and going out for New Year!
Fibromyalgia and events doesn't mix at the best of times
especially when you're waiting for surgery!
Well, we said goodbye to 2016 yay!
Not the best year for me it has to be said! What with my health
going down the pan and loosing my job, being in constant agony and
waiting to see consultants and surgeons, I wont miss it!
Anyway, 2017 IS going to be way better! (Whether it likes it or not!)

Last year I discovered the wonderful Leonie Dawson
and bought her workbooks and planner. Her books are really
colourful and artsy! I got them at the end of January after seeing
Jenniebellie use them in her Creative Goal Journaling class over at
They really helped me set goals and organise myself until
I became poorly and lost all consistency.
I loved using them and re-ordered for this year too.
Which I am glad to say, I am constantly using and checking
in with myself. Which helps me focus on tasks and goals, not on what's
going on with me physically.
(I am not affiliated, I just love them!)

Last summer they were selling off some planners cheap so
I bought them with the intention of altering them as art journals.
Well, I had a bright idea!

I decided that my wonderful, unorganised and mess of a daughter
Freya, NEEDED something to help her!
So I went about and re-dated each day for the whole year until
it was correct for 2017!
I used heart stickers and washi tapes.
I wrote out days of the week and stuck them over the previous ones.

I gessoed the front and back covers in Black.
I then painted a portrait of her on the front.
She's a rock chick, like her mum!

She loves it! I hope she uses it as much as I use mine!

Next up... with 2017 firmly in my mind I wanted to make a
mood board with my intentions on it.
I wanted to combine what I had learned in Tam Laporte's Class
'Happy Traveller' over at Willowing.
It was part of Lifebook12 which I bought on sale!
 I loved making her and she's full of promise, just like 2017!
I've got to be positive haven't I?
I wrote all the things I want to manifest in 2017 in her hair and
I also wrote my words for the year, "Be Brave" inside her pendant.
I love using jewellery in my art, and this sums up what I need this year.
I need to be brave. I may have more awful crappy stuff to get through
before this year is up and I need to just be brave and go for it!

It also features my cat Tilly!
My little companion through the year whilst keeping
my lap nice and warm.

Sorry this post was late!
One of my goals is to be a much more consistant
I really appreciate you stopping by, please leave a comment...
It shows me you care!
Crafty hugs
Sez x